

Susan leads Mindful Writing workshops and retreats, in which participants connect with their creativity through meditation, writing exercises and sharing.

For over a dozen years, she has taught creative writing through her workshops, as well as undergraduate and graduate classes at Temple University and Rosemont College. Susan holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars.

Her debut novel When Love Was Clean Underwear was selected by Ann Hood as the winner of the Many Voices Project’s Fiction Prize 2007. With her sister artist Sarah Barr, she published the children’s picture book Mary Mulgrew, What Did You Do? A Pushcart nominee, her work has appeared in the Washington PostWatershed Reviewr.kv.r.y. quarterly literary journal, and Los Angeles Review of Books among others. As an essayist, Susan writes about love, loss and mindfulness. Her short story “Town Watch” was anthologized in South Philly Fiction.